and income generation by supporting the growth and development of SMMEs.
SMME Incubation for Inclusive Economic Growth
Small, Medium, and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) possess the potential to serve as a sustainable mechanism for elevating wages at the lower end of the distribution and reducing overall inequality. To unlock their full potential, it is crucial to address the growth constraints they face. This involves broad interventions for challenges that uniformly affect SMMEs, such as infrastructure limitations. Additionally, tailored policies are necessary for sectors and different SMME sizes where constraints may vary.
Inclusive Approach to Enterprise Development
Any intervention to boost SMMEs within the SEZ will consider the sectoral interests of various groups, including the youth, women, and people living with disabilities. An ongoing effort involves the development of a comprehensive policy framework on enterprise development, shaped by the active participation of diverse stakeholders within the business sector. This framework is designed to bolster local businesses, with a special focus on supporting women, youth, and individuals with disabilities.
SMME Incubation Centre
MMSEZ aims to establish an SMME Incubation Centre to support local businesses by providing technological facilities and advise, network and linkages, co-working spaces, lab facilities, mentoring and advisory support. A scientific feasibility study will be conducted to assess the viability and determine the optimal model for the Incubation Centre.